Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Quote from Butch

I know I havent even written about my great trip to Lake Tahoe, but I had to jot this one down.

Tonight I asked Dad what he wanted for supper. And remember when I cook, it is a full meal (salad, meat, veggies, etc). He answered, "I didnt eat lunch, so I want a good supper, healthy. You know, like with a good salad. How about Gattis'?"

Healthy means Gattis', just in case anyone out there was wondering. Just ask Butch.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Almost time!

Today we will head to San Antonio for the night, then leave at 6am. Well I have packed, kind of, and you would think that was about all I had to do. My mind is spinning with stuff I have to do!!
Email about upcoming Relay meeting
Address post cards about upcoming Relay meeting
Pack bathroom stuff
Clear off cameras memory cards
finish this blog
Write something on Relay blog
Feed dad
get camera batteries
clean out my car

Ill keep you posted on my trip!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Ive Nevers

In the last few months I have realized how simple my life really is. It is no secret that I am NOT a world traveler, but I think I have had a lot of life experiences.
Anyways, the point is that I have compiled a list of, I'VE NEVERS, so here goes...

Ive never...

Smoked a cigarette (or smoked anything!)
Had anything pierced (no, not even my ears)
Gotten a tatoo
Been on an airplane, train, cruise, subway or rollercoaster
Drank coffee (or any version of a mocha-latte-whatever)or even been inside a Starbucks
Paid a parking meter

Been to Vegas or California (ok-Ive only been out of Texas 4-5times, so any state that isnt on the way to Tennessee or Wyoming...I havent been to)

Been admitted to a hospital, which means…no IV, no surgery, no anesthesia,
Broken a bone (well I did fall down the stairs and mess up my toe, but its not like they could do anything about it)

I guess I am thinking about this again since I have plane tickets for Thursday!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

December 3

In case anyone is looking for an update....I am still planning on getting on a big jet plane Thursday morning!! If anything, I am less anxious. My room is a disaster right now, but I am already packing and planning. Tonight I picked up Robin's iPod. She loaded 1200 songs for me to listen to on the plane. Well, there is enough songs for 4.6 days of continous repeats!! So, I might be listening to it all weekend!!! Especially if I am alone in the hotel!! Thank you Robin!!

I have a list to tackle tomorrow, then we will head to Brian's apartment on Wednesday. The plane takes off at 6am Thursday, so I cant decide if I should get up at about 2, or try to sleep as long a possible. I always need to eat, but sometimes when I eat too early, I get queezy. So, If I can go to sleep at 8pm, I would be able to get up about 2am, give my stomach time to settle and then head to the airport.

Any ideas?????
Well, here it is FOOTBALL SEASON!!

As you all know, I have been included in the guys fantasy football league this year. The draft went great. I picked up Larry Johnson first, then felt good about the strength of the rest of my team. It cost $5 to trade/drop/etc, and I am way to tight to do that! So I was planning to try very hard to keep my inital picks.

Also, a few of us paid a little extra to pay out $6 per week to the high scorer.
WEEK 1-This was the weekend that I went to Houston to watch the Texans play the Chiefs, so I didnt get to check StatTracker until late Sunday evening. Holy Crap! I was outscoring everyone in the league...except the team I was playing. This means, if I was playing anyone else in the league, I would be winning!

My starting quarterback was hurt at the end of the game. UGHH! So, first week and I already have to pick someone else up. In the end, I lost my game...but, I did win the $6, because the team I was playing didnt buy into our side game and I had out scored everyone else. I felt strong about my team and I was thankful that I had a good showing for the only girl in the league.

WEEK 2- Another week of me dominating the points....but still losing to my opponent. How is this possible? I watched StatTracker until the end of the games Sunday. I had lost by 2 points Monday morning I started looking at week 3, etc. OMG!!! I WON, I WON, I WON, I WON, I WON! WooHoo!! I guess I didnt wait long enough for everything to refresh. Yea! Im 1-1 and I won the $6 again.

Going into this whole experience I knew I was not going to win the whole thing, I honestly dont care enough to watch ESPN everday to get the latest news. I just wanted to be a solid player and not let Holly down. (She made me swear that I wouldnt get bored and quit!) I feel really great that (so far) I have been strong!!! This is for you Holly...GIRLS RULE!!!

WEEK 3- Well this was a pretty boring Football Sunday. Right away I was behind. I never caught up. This week, I was the lowest scorer in the league. :(

WEEK 4 & 5-Alright, apparently I am a little bored with Fantasy Football already. (Holly, Shhh!!!) But I think week 6 cured me. Week 4 and 5 were boring....I lost. I think one of those weeks I lost to Jared. DAMN!! With so much going on in my life, I dont look at my team as much as I should. I dont have internet in Blanco, and that is where I have spent the last few Sundays.

WEEK 6-I didnt look at my team ALL week long. I really planned on trying to pick up a TE...mine sux. I thought about it on Saturday, then I forgot. Then again on Sunday I said, "WOW, lets go to the library. I feel like I probably have players on a bye week." Then we never went. Monday (since I was now on a no-job status) I checked, and I was winning!!!! But my QB was on a bye week!!! And I was playing against Eli Manning (who I dropped WAY too fast when he got hurt!) and he still had to play Monday night. Oh crap! Now it was going to be really obvious that I didnt check on my team. oopsie.
Ah-ha. I thought I found a loop-hole. Both of my QBs were on a bye week, so if I could pick up one of the QBs playing on Monday night, at least I would get some points, right? Well apparently you can play someone you JUST picked up. So, oh-well.

Now it is Tuesday night and Im thinking I better check my team NOW before I get to Blanco, then leave for Dallas, blah blah blah. WOWIE ZOWIE!!! I won!! Now that is confidence in your team when you dont even play a QB and you still win!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
Who is 2-4 now boys!!!!!!!!!!!!

WEEK 7-I finally got back from Dallas late Sunday, didnt really get to watch much football, so I guess I am getting my fix on Monday night, even though I dont have anyone playing. By the way...I WON!!! And who would have thought Rick would be high scorer again (there are still a few people to play, but he looks pretty safe.) I have to give you kudos Rick, and I sure wouldnt have guessed it after our draft.

WEEK 8-This was a busy weekend with the bachelor party at my ranch, but the best part was having breakfast Saturday morning with Kyle, where he mentioned that he was, and I quote, 'gonna kick my ass.' It was on!!!

It was actually fun to watch on StatTracker. Just when you think its all over, someone scores big. New England's defense got me 21 pts!! woo-hoo! In the end....are you ready?? I WON, I WON, I WON! I am now 4-4 with 704 points....which makes me pass Jared!!! for 4th place. Gotcha Kyle!!!

WEEK 9-Sunday was like old times again. Just sitting around watching football, after coming back from hunting at the ranch. Week 9 started the second round of playing everone, so I am playing Blake again. All day it was very up and down and for once I actually has someone playing on Monday. As of Sunday night I was down by 30 points with my quarterback to play on Monday, and two of my starters had left the game early with injuries.

Well, Big Ben did it!! 38 points!!! Woo Hoo!! I WON!! 4th Place, 5-4 with 796 points. Im afraid I will have to do some add/drops this week...

WEEK 10-Sunday was spent in Fredericksburg again, that always makes for a 'good-old-Sunday.' I was playing Bryan, who is a very consistent team. He had 3 players playing on Monday night, and I was only up by 21 points. Between Addai, LaDainian, and Gates, my odds were not too good. Again...Woo Hoo!! I WON!! Between a weak showing for the big guys, and my defense putting up 5 points, I pulled it off again in the last minute.
This week I did do another add/drop Javon Walker is out of the season, so I picked up Steve Smith.

The biggest news from week 10 is Jared coming up as the high scorer!! I know, who would have thought. Now we are both 6-4, but because he scored 111 this week, he has passed me UGH!

WEEK 11-This week I played Rick. Yes, Rick...the new guy that is on a 10 week winning streak! Who would have thought the Cowboys would be doing so well and carrying Rick!! Ugh! Final 119-73. Overall I am in 5th place, behind Jared, with a total points of 973.

WEEK 12-This is Thanksgiving week, so the games started on Thurday. I went back and forth on a few players, but ended up now having anyone playing on Thursday. I am playing Jared, and his quarterback (Farve) played on Thursday and got 30 points. So from the start it looked like I was really far behind. I am writing this early, and I still have several people to play. Wish me luck!! Jared ended up scoring 121 points!! What a crock! Im 6-6 and sitting in 5th place. Oh-the worst part is the final score...121-41.

WEEK 13-Again, I just come out slow! I lost to Wade this week, yep, Wade. The guy who is 1-11...UGH!! Note-Jared, who scored 121 last week, only scored 58 pts! Why couldnt that be last week?!?!