Friday, January 11, 2008

Well...its over

Ok....everyone knows what happend to me on September 25 (if not, go back and read about 'My Horrible Day'). It took me over a month to sleep alone in my bedroom, but I did on October 28th. I quickly gained the security of WINTER. Yes, this is Texas, so calling this winter is a bit of a stretch, but it was a small security blanket. I rarely go to sleep before 2, 3 or even 4'clock, and I am always on IM or on the phone until I absolutley fall asleep.

Now....that is over!!!!!! Today it is 67 degrees and there is a huge pasture fire across the river. So, dad and I hop in the truck to go check it out.

WHAT IS IN THE ROAD!?!?!?!?! Nooooooooooooooooo....this cant be!! Keep you guessed it, the sn%^&s are already out. It is January 11th and already warm enough for the reptiles to come out! It is a good thing I dont have a job....cuz I am going to be losing even more sleep tonight.


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